
Pastor Andi BlantonChildren's Messages

Two pennies look different but have the same value or worth. God doesn’t show favoritism. God likes when we treat every person with love. Romans 2:11 / James 2:9

The Armor of God

Pastor Andi BlantonChildren's Messages

Do you wear protective gear when you play sports? The Armor of God is the gear God tells us to wear as protection. Ephesians 6

Blog: Strong Love

Strong Love

Pastor Andi BlantonDevotionals

I heard someone say that the male psyche doesn’t like love “language” or love “words” because it feels weak. I agree that the brains of men and women are wired differently. But I don’t think that men are inherently born with an idea that love is weak. I believe it is a concept that some people are taught when they are young.

Blog: Contrast


Pastor Andi BlantonDevotionals

We would not recognize the good things without contrast of the bad. If you are feeling the “good” today, you know it because you’ve felt the bad. If you are feeling the bad, know that God is sending the good your way.